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 Conservation Seminars in Architecture 2

Serkan Duman attended the seminar titled “Conservation Seminars in Architecture 2: Traditional Construction Techniques, Use of Traditional Techniques and Materials in Contemporary Architecture” organized by the Chamber of Architects as a speaker.


 Conservation Seminars in Architecture 2

Serkan Duman attended the seminar titled “Conservation Seminars in Architecture 2: Traditional Construction Techniques, Use of Traditional Techniques and Materials in Contemporary Architecture” organized by the Chamber of Architects as a speaker.


 Conservation Seminars in Architecture 2

Serkan Duman attended the seminar titled “Conservation Seminars in Architecture 2: Traditional Construction Techniques, Use of Traditional Techniques and Materials in Contemporary Architecture” organized by the Chamber of Architects as a speaker.


 Conservation Seminars in Architecture 2

Serkan Duman attended the seminar titled “Conservation Seminars in Architecture 2: Traditional Construction Techniques, Use of Traditional Techniques and Materials in Contemporary Architecture” organized by the Chamber of Architects as a speaker.


 Conservation Seminars in Architecture 2

Serkan Duman attended the seminar titled “Conservation Seminars in Architecture 2: Traditional Construction Techniques, Use of Traditional Techniques and Materials in Contemporary Architecture” organized by the Chamber of Architects as a speaker.


 Conservation Seminars in Architecture 2

Serkan Duman attended the seminar titled “Conservation Seminars in Architecture 2: Traditional Construction Techniques, Use of Traditional Techniques and Materials in Contemporary Architecture” organized by the Chamber of Architects as a speaker.


 Conservation Seminars in Architecture 2

Serkan Duman attended the seminar titled “Conservation Seminars in Architecture 2: Traditional Construction Techniques, Use of Traditional Techniques and Materials in Contemporary Architecture” organized by the Chamber of Architects as a speaker.


 Conservation Seminars in Architecture 2

Serkan Duman attended the seminar titled “Conservation Seminars in Architecture 2: Traditional Construction Techniques, Use of Traditional Techniques and Materials in Contemporary Architecture” organized by the Chamber of Architects as a speaker.


 Conservation Seminars in Architecture 2

Serkan Duman attended the seminar titled “Conservation Seminars in Architecture 2: Traditional Construction Techniques, Use of Traditional Techniques and Materials in Contemporary Architecture” organized by the Chamber of Architects as a speaker.

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 Conservation Seminars in Architecture 2

Serkan Duman attended the seminar titled “Conservation Seminars in Architecture 2: Traditional Construction Techniques, Use of Traditional Techniques and Materials in Contemporary Architecture” organized by the Chamber of Architects as a speaker.


We Are Not Doomed to Concrete

Serkan Duman, on Thursday, August 6 at 20:00, on Kanal 34, Prof. Dr. Gültekin will be the guest of Çetiner.

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 Conservation Seminars in Architecture 2

Serkan Duman attended the seminar titled “Conservation Seminars in Architecture 2: Traditional Construction Techniques, Use of Traditional Techniques and Materials in Contemporary Architecture” organized by the Chamber of Architects as a speaker.


 Conservation Seminars in Architecture 2

Serkan Duman attended the seminar titled “Conservation Seminars in Architecture 2: Traditional Construction Techniques, Use of Traditional Techniques and Materials in Contemporary Architecture” organized by the Chamber of Architects as a speaker.


We Are Building Earthen Houses with Smoking Chimneys in Syria

Serkan Duman from SDMIM talked to Merve Akbaş about their earthen house work for refugees in Syria. Finally in Magazine.


Architecture for Everyone

Master Architect Serkan Duman will hold an interview at Arel University.

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Serkan Duman

Hacer Yeğin from Makas Magazine held an interview with Master Architect Serkan Duman for the June issue

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Nail Çakırhan

In the June issue of Finally Magazine, Serkan Duman's An Architect Not an Architect, Nail Çakırhan; title was published.

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Do not buy house, get a neighboor

Master Architect Serkan Duman will meet with architecture students within the scope of Mimarhane events.


Eating Stones Forbidden

Master Architect Serkan Duman met with university students at our Heart's Geography Kitap Kahve.


We Can Remember Soil Architecture

Yeni Şafak Newspaper conducted an interview with Master Architect Serkan Duman about natural structures and soil architecture.


Journey to Auroville, a Mystical Eco-Village

Finally, in the March issue of the Magazine, Serkan Duman's article titled "A Mystical Eco-Village, Journey to Auroville" was published.

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On the Trail of Experience

Serkan Duman will give a talk at Fatih Sultan Mehmet Foundation University on Wednesday, March 6, 2019.


Countess Interview

Master Architect Serkan Duman held an interview at KONTU Faculty of Architecture and Design.

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A Participatory Public Needs a Participatory Municipality for a Participatory Municipality

SDMIM Founder Master Architect Serkan Duman's article titled "A Participatory Public Needs a Participatory Municipality" was published in the magazine Finally.


Actually Home

Master Architect Serkan DUMAN will give a talk titled "Home Actually: A Adobe House in Kahramanmaraş" on October 13 at the Science and Art Foundation. Moderators: Celaleddin ÇELİK and Halil İbrahim DÜZENLİ

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Remedy Adobe Houses

''In the East-West division; In fact, as can be seen in his book ''Architecture, Urbanism, Art'', architect Serkan Duman has a problem: to make adobe houses popular. He is looking for ways to bring a traditional material such as adobe back to life. Written by Sedat Palut.

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Soil as an Alternative Building Material

Soil as an Alternative Building Material | Soil still remains the healthiest and best thermal insulation material. Moreover, since it breathes, it balances the humidity of the environment. The construction of an earthen structure is also very economical as it is done entirely with local materials.


Mimarhane Talk

Master Architect Serkan Duman held two interviews with students at Mimarhane, titled "Architecture Actually" and "Address as a Building Material"


Turkey Newspaper Interview

Architect Serkan Duman is an artist who manages to look at the profession from different perspectives. It does not chase after shopping malls, residences or sites. He is looking for ways to bring a traditional material such as adobe to life.
We ask “Why?”

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Sitting in Boxes Where We Don't Work and Have No Voice

Load. Architect Serkan Duman, in Finally Magazine; His article titled "Sitting in boxes for which we do not work and have no say" was published.


From Otag to Oda

Load. Architect Serkan DUMAN's article titled Otağ'dan Oda'ya was published in the Design and Decoration magazine.


SDMIM in Ghana

After studies in Morocco and India, SDMIM now continues its architectural studies in Ghana. | After Morocco and India experiences, SDMIM is working at Ghana now.


Radio Program

Load. Architect Serkan Duman was the guest of the presenter Mustafa Balevi in the program of Moral FM, Teknik Gündem. In the program, conversations were held on subjects such as natural architecture, art and design.

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Architect, Thinker and Activist: Turgut Cansever

SDMIM founder Y. Architect Serkan DUMAN's article titled "Turgut Cansever" was published in the key magazine.

©2021 by SDMIM

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