Within the scope of Public Buildings Design Ideas Competition, in Ergani district of Diyarbakır province; The District Directorate of Food, Agriculture and Livestock and the Social and Cultural Facility project were chosen as the study area.
Approach to Design
The main criterion in the design has been “sustainability” in every sense. This understanding of sustainability is adapted to the project in terms of energy and water, materials, economy, waste management and tradition. In addition, the need for public gathering and “landmark” of the Ergani district was taken into account, and in this context, the sharply disconnected structure of public buildings from the public was softened, and the concepts of public building - public space were reinterpreted.
Approach to the Project Area
The project area is located in the southeast of Ergani district center and is located near the main axis of Diyarbakir - Elazig. The only access to the parcel was from Kurtuluş Street in the west direction. Since it was necessary to reach such a long parcel from the east, the existing dirt road was arranged to provide two-sided access to the area. Thus, public transportation, vehicle and pedestrian transportation was allowed on the east side, and vehicle and pedestrian transportation on the west side.

Design Decisions
The project consists of two main masses. While the main function of one of these blocks (Building A) is the District Directorate of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, the general function of the other building (Building B) is social and cultural. Both structures were resolved around a courtyard.
When it comes to public needs in our tradition, it is seen that the courtyard has been in operation for centuries. Especially the fact that it is sheltered from external factors, offers a semi-open space and provides shade and air circulation in hot regions were the main factors in the preference of the courtyard in the project.
The courtyard of the social and cultural building (Building B) was covered with a top cover and this courtyard was enabled to host collective events such as weddings and conferences. In Building A, the courtyard is designed as a public gathering-resting area.
The surroundings of Buildings A and B have been resolved as recreation areas, and the structures have revealed appropriate square formations with their human scales. These formations allowed the two structures to work together.

The first floor of the branch on the north side of Building A is reserved for the Directorate of Food, Agriculture and Livestock. Thus, the public structure was neither completely separated from the public nor mixed with other functions as state service units.
The buildings were designed to require minimum heating, cooling and ventilation, and criteria such as heat walls, openings and entrances that allow air movement, shading, water elements, trees were taken into consideration. In addition, items such as solar energy, rainwater harvesting, thick walls with natural materials; It provides heat, water and energy gain.
Waste of space is avoided in building solutions, and flexible and versatile use of spaces is aimed. For example, instead of the giant dining hall area, which is used for only one hour, the food brought from outside is eaten in the dining and rest room, which can be used for all working hours. However, the whole of the building has not been solved in the basement, it has been evaluated in a way that can be expanded in line with the requests.

Solar collectors are placed on the south-facing roof surfaces of Buildings A and B, and it is aimed to collect solar energy. In this way, the buildings will produce their own electricity. The hearth (fireplace), which is a traditional element, was dissolved in the interiors of the Food, Agriculture and Livestock Directorate, in order to warm up in this way on relatively cool days. In addition, since the building is built with soil, which is the most natural and best thermal insulation known, heat loss is minimized. A correct general judgment is that adobe structures are cool in summer and warm in winter.
It is planned to collect rain water at 20 different points in the whole area and use it as gray water. The collected water is aerated in the pools and transported to the warehouses.

The buildings were designed using stone, wood and earth, which are an integral part of our history and traditional architecture. The stone is the famous black basalt stone of the Diyarbakir region. Soil, on the other hand, was applied in two ways, known as "adobe" in our country. In Building A, it is mostly plastered traditional mud brick, and in Building B, with the modern compaction soil technique, which is plastered in places but mostly left with the soil surface. The use of traditional materials and techniques for a public building, supported by modern techniques, is important for Turkey in general. There will be a message. The use of local materials in architecture will reduce foreign dependency and allow new sectors to emerge. Building construction with natural materials such as stone, soil and wood will enable both cheaper and healthier buildings and a more qualified and aesthetic environment by reducing the use of concrete.

Building A, which houses the Directorate of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, was supported by commercial elements. The income to be obtained from this will meet the needs of the public structure. This will enable the building to sustain itself economically. In addition, it should not be forgotten that this attitude is a system that has already been operated in our history.
Solid Waste Management: In the project area, it is aimed to collect solid wastes by sorting.
Since the buildings are designed with traditional methods and materials, they support traditional sustainability not only visually but also technically. It is aimed to revive the architectural forms created by the forgotten construction craft and traditional techniques.

Based on the fact that the concrete-dominated public building architectural design concept in our country, which is disconnected from the public, needs a new perspective both in terms of function and sustainability, it is thought that some questions have been answered with this project. Considering that public buildings are pioneer buildings, the right decisions will shape Turkey's general architectural and environmental understanding more easily.